Friday, August 5, 2011


im 14 and my family have done this too me before they made me have my brother who is 31 on facebook and bbm and whatever other social networking site there was possible. so we had problems before about my pictures on facebook,tagged photos and comments so my brother's (Another one is 24) threatened me.. pushed me on the floor to get my password read all my inboxes and thing just because of facebook? so that was over about a month ago. now so what if i uploaded a picture tbh its not bad compared to anything else.. and i know people liking your photo's shouldnt be something to be all happy about but thats what people in my school think and no im not following the crowd thats how i am. and plus if your a teen its just like another one of those tumblr pictures? my family dont understand that though im NOT COMMITING A CRIME. i showed my mum the picture she screamed at me but you know what this time i wasnt to ******* rebel and go off the rails cos all the time they do this to make me delete everything no sense of privacy or ANYTHING. i know my brothers are going to do something bad but now i dont care. WHAT SHALL I DO? and no dont tell me to delete the picture? BECAUSE I AM FED UP OF LISTENING TO EVERYTHING THEY SAY. . oh yeah and last time my brother called me a og niki? how can you call your sister a og niki, hoe and push her to the floor just because of a facebook picture..


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