Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All mothers should be made to breast feed their children?

I think that babies definitely should be breastfed. Sometimes, women can't breastfeed though. Like, what you stated above. I believe that if you try to breastfeed and it doesn't work then it's acceptable to formula feed. I do think it's a little selfish when women don't even try to ..knowing it's better for the baby. If you pump and feed them a bottle, that's perfectly okay! You are giving them what is best. Nursing is more for the bond, plus pumping is extremely uncomfortable at first, it's just easier to me to latch them on to your boob. Breast milk is better for your child. People are convinced breast is best because of all the benefits of breastfeeding. Once you breastfed a kid, it's hard to understand why some women *choose* not to. Just my opinion. No offense to anyone.


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