Monday, August 8, 2011

How should i have my hair from prom?

Okay, so here's the deal. Prom is coming up and obviously this is quite a big deal. My dress is strapless, a midnight blue colour, long and isn't straight but isn't a cake dress its what a call a nice about of poof for a dress. I have medium length ginger hair which is exceptionally curly, i am hoping to have it up for prom but am stuck as to what to do. My hairdresser told me not to wash it before my appointment because it will be too silky to do anything with but if i dont wash it and they try to style it they often brush out all my curls and make it go frizzy :( not a good look for prom. I want a nice up do that still allows me to have loose curls and what i really want to avoid is static hair. Okay i know im asking for a lot but i have put a lot of thought into this haha thanks xxx


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